Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce our appointment of Linda Sheimo, (Col. Ret.) as our Interim Executive Director. Linda has been an operational board member for many years and brings a great deal of global experience to the role. Bruce Kittleson will continue his service with us as President Emeritus and ambassador at large. He joins the board as a voting member.
Our work in Ukraine continues to expand and now includes working alongside two organizations providing clothing and shelter to displaced people and families who have lost their homes in the war. Our chaplains serve alongside Ukrainian solders providing relief. We also have the opportunity to provide generators in regions where the electrical infrastructure has been destroyed.
Our work in Central Africa including Rwanda and Uganda continues to grow. In addition to helping develop Community Safety Nets (called Civilian Safety Program in Ukraine), we collaborate in building schools, medical clinics, digging wells and bringing electricity into rural areas. All of this work would not be possible without your support! Thank you for your generosity! Would you please consider a year-end gift to our general fund to help prosper these efforts?
May your holiday season bring much joy to you and your family through Christmas and New Years and into the next year. Thank you again for your partnership!
Jeff Jernigan, PhD, BCPPC, FAIS
Chairman of the Board
Medical Programs Director.
P.S. The OBI Board just met together with some of the members of the Ukraine partnering organizations as you see in the featured photos.