Bruce Kittleson, OBI President and Jeff Jernigan, Chairman of the Board and Medical Programs Director just returned home from traveling to Kiev, Ukraine and Chisinau, Moldova. They met with and taught military leaders, physicians, psychologists and teachers how to deal with the hard issues of today including suicide prevention, avoiding burnout and building resilience. These leaders will be reproducing this information throughout their military and educational institutions and the Moldovan Chief of Medicine shared that he will be implementing these new and break-through approaches.
One of the highlights of the trip included visiting an English class in a Moldovan school as they discussed with teachers how to avoid burnout and deal with suicidal comments made by students. In addition, they shared practical and authentic suggestions regarding what do you do when they see a friend or someone in their class who is talking about injuring themselves.
Bruce also celebrated the work being done at Kiev Theological Seminary and connected with Chaplains in training who are serving men and women in hospitals, prisons and many communities throughout Ukraine. Valentyn and his team hosted the Chaplains Summit in Dnipro which is providing effective training changing communities throughout the country. These chaplains are doing significant work influencing Kingdom purposes in the lives they touch.
The team attended church at the Way of Truth Church. The Way of Truth Church was founded due to the need for continued growth after English Camps students, teachers and parents returned home. Jeff & Bruce finished the trip by giving away the written curriculum, strengthening the infrastructure of those they served and will continue to serve in the future.
Will you please consider designating a special gift to this “Moldova Crisis Project?”
Nancy Jernigan, PhD,
Finance Director / Board Member