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Providing Humanitarian Assistance Worldwide

Meet Linda Sheimo

Executive Director

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Linda Sheimo, M.Ed, MSS
"I Was Supporting Olive Branch When The Lord Told Me To Get Involved."
Linda Sheimo assumed duties as the Executive Director, OBI, in November 2022 after serving for ten years on the OBI Board.  She served over 38 years of military service in the Army and Army Reserves.  Linda comes from a military family and her father served in multiple services for 33 years.  Linda has two Master's Degrees, a Master's in Education from Boston University and a Master's of Strategic Studies from the Air War College. She learned about serving God while in the military, then after retirement, she was influenced by her parents who were in ministry for over 45 years.


Linda loved being in church as a child, especially anything involving singing.  It is still true today as she sings on the Praise and Worship team at her local church and often incorporates songs in her presentations for OBI.  Linda was initially reluctant to get involved with ministering to women as God orchestrated her career to be open to what God had in store. God truly “restores what the locust has eaten”.  Linda served in various command and staff positions with two tours at the Pentagon.


Linda was introduced to OBI while attending Fort Belvoir Chapel when God nudged her to become involved in women’s ministry.  She facilitated a women’s Bible study at the Pentagon but God had more in store for her.  She met Caroline and Rick Grube and began her journey through financial and prayer support for Ukraine Women’s Ministry in 2006.


Linda took her first trip with OBI in 2016 to English Camp Ukraine, followed by an assessment trip to Sierra Leone later that year.  She has been active in speaking with military men and women in Ukraine in multiple locations, leading the American team in Moldova English Camp, Interim Project Leader, Sierra Leone Hospital Chaplains, and Ukraine English Camp teacher.  She is excited about the future of OBI and how God will continue to expand its opportunities.


Linda and her husband, Shane Smith, retired Air Force, live on a small farm in Wisconsin.     

Olive Branch International (OBI) is dedicated to serving military and civilian families through medical and healthcare needs, educational training and family support.  Simply put, as a non-government organization, we respond to invitations by foreign governmental and military leaders to provide humanitarian assistance worldwide.  We provide long-term face-to-face, heart-to-heart care, compassion, and concern as we work to prevent or assist in the healing efforts of emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

Canada  |  Cambodia  |  Kenya  |  Malaysia  |  Moldova  |  Mozambique  |  Romania 

 Rwanda   |  South Africa  |  Sri Lanka  |  Uganda  |  Ukraine 


© 2013-2019 Olive Branch International, P.O. Box 2134 Yorba Linda, CA 92885

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